What's Your Brick-Block Story?
While the Trust continues to secure the Brick Block and plan for its future, this seems like a good time to reflect….
Lots of us know a great Brick-Block Story.
Here’s one--
My parents met in the Brick Block. Dad was a confirmed bachelor, in his early-40s, just happy to have come back alive from WWII. One of his first jobs, after the war, was helping in his brother’s busy appliance repair and sales shop, in the Brick Block. Dad’s brother could fix anything. According to Dad, Dad was the brawn, who, “moved refrigerators and things.”
One day, in walks Mom, who tells Dad she’s, “looking to buy a radio.” Each knew the other’s family, but they’d never met because they were 13 years apart in age. As he showed her radios, he later said, he was thinking, “I can’t ask her out. I’ll be teased for stealing a kid off the street corner or something.”
Mom, in those days, was an announcer on WKBI’s radio station, which, for a while, had a studio upstairs in the Brick Block. One of Mom’s promotions was “The Lucky Dollar.” After writing down the serial number from a dollar in her purse, she bought something in Elk County, which put the bill in local circulation. Then, she got on air to announce the number. Whoever brought the lucky dollar to the station won a prize. So, as Dad talked radios that day, he may have suspected Mom was plotting to plant a lucky dollar.
The way Mom told it, she wasn’t thinking about a lucky dollar and she wasn’t as interested in the radio as she was in Dad. She’d wanted to meet him and this was a way to do it. I believe she may have had to go back more than once, but, eventually, he got over his concern for their age difference and asked her out. I’m glad he did and that the Brick Block was there to help it happen.
So, now--What’s your favorite Brick-Block Story? In fewer than 300 words, which is about the length of the little tale above, please tell us your best Brick-Block Story. (To open the reply box for this blog post, please click on the title “What's Your Brick-Block Story?” at the top.) On the 1st of each month, the best story for the previous month will be determined by the highest number of “loves.” In addition to the “love,” the prize includes bragging rights and knowing that you passed on a great story about the Brick Block, a building close to the hearts of so many.
Looking forward to the stories,
Please enjoy this Brick Block story that was originally posted March 2, 2020 as part of “What’s Your Brick-Block Story?” series. This story was posted on the Trust’s FB page and received the most “loves” by our followers.